How many times in our life have we faced problems? Almost everyday, sometimes a big problem and sometimes a very small problem. Generally, we tend to overcome our small problems very easily. And the big problems stay in our lives for a longer time? Isn't it? Ever wondered why?
The answer lies in our perception. How we look at the problem? Only then we categorize it as a small or a major problem. But what after it? Once we think we are facing a big problem - what do we do? What's the first reaction? Try to run away from it? Yeah, that's what most people would do. And the more you run away from it, you see that the problem has never left you - it has been chasing you at the same speed you were trying to run away from it. But very few people learn to accept the problem. Accepting the problem - big or small is the first step towards solving that problem. Usually smaller problems are addressed because we do accept it, because we have a confidence that we can easily overcome it. Bigger problems are not easily accepted because we fear the consequences. The fear of unknown makes us difficult to accept things. Nothing in this world remains a problem. For every problem created, there are one or many ways to overcome it. It is our thinking which makes the solution limited to our thoughts. We never try to extend our thinking beyond the problem. Focusing on problems makes you an expert in problem analysis. it may or may not ever give you solutions. To come up with solutions, you need to get out of your thinking shell. Extend your thinking beyond the boundaries undiscovered. Only then you will be able to come up with extremely unbelievable, yet simple logical solutions. And then you would realize that the solutions were always present around you. It was you, that failed to notice it. The world around us has anything and everything that we need to live our life. Only effort e require to do is - discover!
I hope we all learn, and always keep learning from our experiences. But when we share our experiences with others, it adds to their learning as well. Acceptance is term which sounds so simple, but actually is so powerful. If it is a mistake, you accept. A problem, you accept. Acceptance is the first step towards creating and accomplishing something wonderful!
The answer lies in our perception. How we look at the problem? Only then we categorize it as a small or a major problem. But what after it? Once we think we are facing a big problem - what do we do? What's the first reaction? Try to run away from it? Yeah, that's what most people would do. And the more you run away from it, you see that the problem has never left you - it has been chasing you at the same speed you were trying to run away from it. But very few people learn to accept the problem. Accepting the problem - big or small is the first step towards solving that problem. Usually smaller problems are addressed because we do accept it, because we have a confidence that we can easily overcome it. Bigger problems are not easily accepted because we fear the consequences. The fear of unknown makes us difficult to accept things. Nothing in this world remains a problem. For every problem created, there are one or many ways to overcome it. It is our thinking which makes the solution limited to our thoughts. We never try to extend our thinking beyond the problem. Focusing on problems makes you an expert in problem analysis. it may or may not ever give you solutions. To come up with solutions, you need to get out of your thinking shell. Extend your thinking beyond the boundaries undiscovered. Only then you will be able to come up with extremely unbelievable, yet simple logical solutions. And then you would realize that the solutions were always present around you. It was you, that failed to notice it. The world around us has anything and everything that we need to live our life. Only effort e require to do is - discover!
I hope we all learn, and always keep learning from our experiences. But when we share our experiences with others, it adds to their learning as well. Acceptance is term which sounds so simple, but actually is so powerful. If it is a mistake, you accept. A problem, you accept. Acceptance is the first step towards creating and accomplishing something wonderful!
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